Conquering the Mythical Beast: Embracing Positive Intent in Transformation

Embarking on my consulting career in 2005, I was frequently captivated by the experienced consultants war stories about pinpointing the “Dragon” lurking in the client’s sphere or their tales of “Slaying the Dragon.” This formidable “Dragon” was not a figment of ancient myths but an allegory for the person who could impede our project for organizational transformation and stop us from getting the results.


After two decades, my perspective on this concept has evolved into one of bemusement. This is in stark contrast to the esteemed status dragons hold in Japanese culture, where they are esteemed as formidable emblems of vigor and might. Indeed, being compared to such a regal creature should be viewed as an honour.


A common lapse among many consultants, both the experienced and the new, is the neglect of a crucial ethos: the assumption of positive intent. Throughout my twenty-year tenure, I have consistently encountered clients whose aspirations are firmly rooted in the welfare of their organization and in their personal pursuit of excellence.


During my tenure at Myrtle Consulting prior to the pandemic, I gleaned insights from the founder, Edwin Bosso, particularly in his work “6000 Dreams.” One of his concepts of resistance to change was people resist because they care, and as a transformation specialist you overcome that by showing that you care.  In short, you assume and show positive intent. The secret to surmounting this resistance lies in mirroring their dedication, in ensuring their apprehensions are acknowledged and esteemed.


So, what is the strategy to “slay the dragon” in the role of a change agent? The solution is not found in confrontation, but in commendation. We celebrate their stature, we resonate with their reluctance, and we affirm their sentiments. By embracing positive intent, we metamorphose the dragon from an adversary into a collaborator, nurturing a synergy that lays the groundwork for authentic transformation. We grasp their reservations and aid the organization in transcending them. Moreover, we concentrate on refining the systems and processes to address these concerns, thereby simplifying our clients’ professional lives and empowering them to thrive in their endeavours.


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