
Leadership Development

Aaron discusses the shortcomings of relying solely on courses and introduces Tengu Consulting's four-pronged strategy:

Develop Managers: Our emphasis is on crucial managerial competencies—discussing processes, setting clear expectations, pinpointing losses, and establishing a consensus on the benchmarks of good performance. When challenges emerge, our approach is to tackle the issue robustly without blaming individuals.

Know Yourself: We assist leaders in articulating their leadership philosophy, recognizing their stress responses, and pinpointing their personal triggers.

Know Your Peers: Our efforts are directed towards fostering a shared team vision, enhancing communication among peers and superiors, and unifying the team towards shared objectives. The goal is to create an environment where success is a collective endeavor.

Know Your Team: We instruct leaders on the most effective methods to engage with their team members, both one-on-one and in group settings. We stress the importance of demonstrative and compassionate leadership, ensuring every team member feels valued within the organization.


Organizational Objectives


Organizational Design